
2011 B2B Marketing Advanced Practices Handbook

Written by Staff | Wed,Mar 02, 2011 @ 03:00 PM
MarketingSherpa is offering a handbook that guides marketers through their FUEL methodology for B2B marketing. The 2011 B2B Marketing Advanced Practices Handbook walks you through establishing a detailed B2B Marketing strategy to increase your contribution to sales pipelines and revenues.

  • Find and attract leads
  • Uncover qualified leads
  • Establish automated marketing processes
  • Lift results
10 Questions Answered in the Handbook:
  1. How can I address the top challenges facing B2B marketers?
  2. Who are you targeting? Identifying buyer personas.
  3. What are the best tactics in content development?
  4. What are the steps to creating an effective webinar strategy?
  5. How can you generate leads with a social media strategy?
  6. Is bad data hurting your business? Database quality and maintenance.
  7. How do you define a qualified lead?
  8. What do you ask when selecting an automation platform?
  9. What are the best tactics for delivering marketing value?
  10. What are the best tactics for improving marketing and sales analysis?
Benefits of the Handbook:
  • Improving any part of the marketing/sales funnel
  • Marketing to a growing number of people in the buying process
  • Generating high quality leads, lead scoring, lead nurturing
  • Creating high quality marketing content and messaging
  • Inbound and Outbound marketing tactics
  • Establishing an automated marketing process
  • Marketing analysis and analytics
Order/Download the Handbook Here