
Getting the Most Out of 140 Characters

Written by Staff | Fri,Mar 11, 2011 @ 05:00 PM

If you use Twitter for business, you should feel compelled to provide your followers with smart, savvy information. What does it take to write something worth of retweeting? Here are some tips from ThinkTank Blog.

Be provocative.
Pose a thought-provoking question. Your goal with Twitter is to start conversations. Find a relevant news story and pose a question about it.

Do a "how-to" or list.
Even if you link to an article you didn't write, you'll still seem like someone in the know.

"Retweet" something you found interesting.
If something was interesting to you, it probably will be to other people. Twitter is all about information sharing.

"Reply" to that something interesting and add your two cents.
It's a good idea to reply to other tweets you read so you don't seem purely self-promoting.

Remember you're writing a headline, not a story.
Tweets filled with abbreviations and lingo are hard to read. Don't try to say too much.

If you're really good with Twitter, try a mini-narrative.
Unfolding events can be covered in real time with successive tweets by adding "(more)" at the end.

Finally, use Twitter wisely. Constant self-promotion will turn off your followers and you won't get new ones. For every promotional post, post two that promotes something else.

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