
Small Marketing Ideas with Big Reach

Written by Staff | Thu,Mar 17, 2011 @ 02:00 PM

In the face of information overload, readers and customers have become more adept at info-grazing, skimming, filtering flak, and personalizing streams. Capturing viewers in the attention economy requires awesome content designed to be impactful at a glance. To succeed, you must distribute big value while thinking small. Consider using the following miniformats:

Data visualizations have garnered mainstream public attention in the last year or so. Less scientific, more entertaining, high-concept, user-friendly, mobile-optimized examples are being shared across social networks. Many free online resources exist for everything from how-tos on designing infrographics to free tools. This type of microcontent helps users decide quickly if a message is relevant. If so, they can share it quickly.

Flip Book
To drive downloads of promotional material, design and distribute some information-light and image-heavy e-flyers and brochures. Beautiful imagery and typography inspire emotional engagement. Plenty of online sources exist for free or cheap images. You don't need to be a graphic designer to do it.

Branded App
App popularity will only increase as more and more smart phones and tablets hit the market. Consider finding a good but relatively unknown app and having the designer modify it to a "white label" version which you can then re-brand to distribute to your clients. There are many services to support customized smart-phone and tablet app configuration/distribution/management.
Having relevant, mobile-friendly content available instantly increases the chances of engagement. Since continuous partial attention is the best content creators can hope for, thinking small becomes more and more important.

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