
Driving Web Traffic

Written by Staff | Tue,Mar 22, 2011 @ 02:00 PM

At the center of an Internet based business is traffic. Obviously, without traffic to your site, no sales can take place. Targeted traffic refers to people who regularly visit your site because of your content. Steven Papas on shares some ways to get targeted traffic.

Find Related Blogs
  • Blogs within the same area of interest as your blog.
  • Blogs with large and consistent traffic.
  • Leave quality comments.
  • Guest post if possible.
  • Consider buying ad space on related blogs.

Find Related Forums
  • Forums are a source for people to find others in their niche.
  • Check Blog Engage or Blogger Forum.
  • Joins forums related to your blog.
  • Add a description of and link to your blog in your forum signature to build backlinks and get targeted traffic.

Search Engines
  • Buy ads.
  • Optimize your site based on relevant keywords.
  • Narrow your blogs focus to "long-tail" keyword phrases.

Social Media and Bookmarking Sites
  • Sites like StumbleUpon.
  • Find buyers and followers already interested in your niche.

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