
Email Marketing Myths

Written by Staff | Wed,Mar 30, 2011 @ 02:00 PM

From Scott Koegler at the CMO Site, email marketing myths dispelled.

Myth: Business emails don't get read on the weekends, so send business-related information only during the week.
Reality: Most business people use the same email address for business and personal correspondence, and read email whenever they like.

Myth: Sending frequent emails will lead to people unsubscribing.
Reality: Data shows that the unsubscribe rates between once a month emailing and once a day emailing are insignificant. Timely, topical emails are valued.

Myth: Subscribers will pay attention for a long time.
Reality: Reader engagement, measured by click-throughs, averages four months, regardless of how long they stay subscribed. Involvement is more important than subscribers.

Myth: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. is the best time to send marketing email.
Reality: Sending during business hours actually produces negative results. Send on the weekend, when open rates increase substantially.

Myth: Email gets read at the end of the work day.
Reality: If the reader is interested in your email, they'll read it when it fits their schedule, often early in the morning.

Myth: Emails are read at desks on computers.
Reality: Eighty percent of readers use mobile devices to read emails. Format your content with mobile devices in mind.

Myth: Limit the number of links in an email.
Reality: More links is directly correlated to more click-throughs. Links are assumed to lead to deeper information.

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