
Tips for Creating a Business Video

Written by Staff | Tue,Nov 15, 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Video tours, a way of showing potential customers the steps in a process or the benefits of a product or service, can be a great marketing tool. And almost anything can be "toured". From MarketingProfs, here are some tips for making your own video tour.

"Put Yourself in the Customer's Shoes"
Be honest and consider your customer's perspective. Focus on the things that will differentiate your product/services from the customers point of view.

"Keep the Video Content Relevant"
If it doesn't help your customer, leave it out.

"Don't Bore the Viewer"
Keep the viewer engaged, or the message will never be received.

"Show Customers the Value of Your Product"
Showing is usually better than telling.

"Tell a Story"
Remembering stories is easier than remembering a list of facts. Give your tour a storyline.

"Involve Your Customers"
Highlight a customer success story.

"Quality Matters"
You video may be a first impression which you can't get back. Pay attention to the professionalism of the lighting, the script and the sound.

"Appear Polished"
Customer's will expect a certain level of quality based on your industry and business size.

"Hire a Video Production Company"
If a homemade video doesn't fit your company or abilities, hire professionals.

"Hire a Professional Writer"
The message of the video is the most important component, so if you pay for nothing else, hire a writer for the script.

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