
Landing Pages That Work

Written by Staff | Thu,Apr 05, 2012 @ 03:00 PM

A landing page is a website page where traffic is directed specifically to prompt an action or result, usually to move a prospect further along in the buying cycle. Copyblogger recently posted The 10 Commandments of Landing Pages That Work. Here's a look at those tips.

Have One Goal
A landing page with no goal is just a "branding" page. A landing page with multiple goals will likely confuse visitors and cause them to leave the site.

No False or Unnecessary Imagery
Only use relevant and gainful imagery. Disclose all your affiliations.

No False Endorsements
Don't use an authority's name without permission. Honor all the promises, offers and guarantees that you make.

Use Whitespace
Keep landing pages readable by recognizing the most readers will skim or scan the page. Break up text with subheaders, bullet points and simple sentences.

Consider Page Performance
Keep load times fast by considering your web host, bandwidth and client program impact.

No Boring Copy
Don't kill a visitor's interest with boring content. Remember that you are trying to gently persuade the visitor to complete a goal. Don't make unbelievable claims.

Unadulterated Premises
Don't have external irrelevancies on the page. Everything on the page should be focused on the visitor and the goal.

Don't Steal
Don't steal the visitor's time, money or bandwidth. Inform, educate and persuade only after receiving consent and permission. No scams or spam. Deliver value.

Always Be Truthful
Be completely honest about your product, your offer, your guarantee and your competitors.

Do Not Covet
Don't covet your visitor's cash, credit card, email address or phone number. Provide value in a fair exchange.

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