
Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Written by Staff | Thu,Aug 16, 2012 @ 03:00 PM

From, here are fifteen mistakes commonly made by marketers inexperienced in managing social business and content marketing presences.

Confusing Your Content with Product Talk
Content can relate to your company and its products/services, but the main focus should be to educate and entertain. Few audiences will find a product description to be engaging.

Confusing Your Contacts with Business Connections
Real connections are people who have an investment in your content and are much more likely to interact with you and spread the word. Those connections are much more valuable than uninterested "friends", "contacts" or "fans".

Thinking that Having a Blog Means You Are Being Heard
Participation in social media doesn't automatically equate to having an audience. Your blog content likely won't get a lot of initial interest. Beyond publishing your own blog, comment on other blogs, write guest posts, build a following and spread content through as many relevant networks as possible.

Shouting for Attention
Don't repeat the same status update multiple times, or write in all CAPITAL LETTERS. Instead, keep producing good content. It will eventually get noticed.

Confusing Your Contacts with Newsletter Subscribers
Don't add someone to an email list unless they specifically register for it, or you've asked their explicit permission to be added.

The best way to build a social media following is by being visible with consistent, good content. Offers that promise fans or followers for cash are a waste of money and time.

Confusing Connections with Conversations
As a rule, only 1% of participants will create content or start discussions, 9% will response and 90% will do neither.

Confusing Infographic Production with a Social Media Strategy
Infographics are a great way to share relevant information in an organized way, but it's only one type of content. You need to have multiple content outlets.

Animal Images
While pictures of animals are the most frequently shared items on many social networks, they won't get you taken seriously as a business.

Confusing Numbers with Real Statistics
Base you insights on real data. Don't choose numbers just to prove a point.

Confusing Statistics with Facts
When sharing data, understand how it was derived and what it actually means.

Confusing Followers with an Audience
Not everyone who follows you actually listens to you. Focus on direct contact and pay attention to your followers' updates.

Confusing Following with Marketing
"Marketing is the careful interaction of different channels, well placed content, connecting and communicating (with the right people) and eventually building relationships to potential customers."

Thinking that Social Media Engagement Means You Have the Attention of the Masses
A big network doesn't automatically translate to a large audience. You must actively connect with others before you can expect other people to listen.

Confusing Communication with Talking
Marketing is no longer a one-way street. The days of putting out a marketing message and then waiting on the numbers is over. With social media, you must share information and listen to your audience.

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