
Social Media Automation Mistakes

Written by Staff | Thu,Aug 09, 2012 @ 03:00 PM

Using social media automation can be tricky (it's supposed to be social after all). But your need for efficiency may make it necessary. From the Hubspot Blog, here are 11 social media automation mistakes marketers need to avoid.

Automation can make your social media marketing more efficient and effective, if you do it right. With some pre-planning, there's no reason to be afraid of social media automation.

Too Much Automation
Overuse of social media automation is probably the most common complaint against it. Find the rate balance of updates for each of the networks in which you participate. Hubspot recommends starting with 8 tweets a day, 4 Facebook updates, 3 LinkedIn updates, and 4 Google+ updates.

Failing to Leave Room for Last Minute Updates
Unexpected things will come up that you will want to share. Make sure your scheduled updates aren't so frequent that you can't insert timely updates.

Setting and Forgetting It
Remember that you are automating only your updates. You still have to monitor the discussion around your content and answer any questions/response.

Outsourcing without Setting Expectations
If you outsource your social media, make sure the agency understands your expectations for targeting, frequency and monitoring.

Robotic Updates
Spend some time crafting your updates to infuse some personality into them.

Stale Content
Great content that interests your audience will make the fact that you scheduled it in advance irrelevant.

Bad Timing
Schedule your updates at times that make sense for your audience. And obviously, schedule time sensitive offers accordingly.

One-Size-Fits-All Scheduling
Each social network has its own guidelines, tone and audience. Schedule according to the nuances of your networks.

Not Measuring Results
To pick the best content and update frequency, you'll need to use marketing analytics to see that performs best.

Not Adding Share Links
Make it easy for your audience to share your content and expand your reach.

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