May 02, 2011 Staff

Getting Great Online Reviews

Andy Sernovitz on Damn! I Wish I'd Thought of That, talks about how to get great reviews and make sure your prospective customers see them.

"Ask for testimonials and reviews"
Happy customers are glad to do this. Prompt them to do so with a simple, friendly request. Make sure your site has a way to submit feedback.

"Get permission to share them"
Don't use testimonials in marketing material without getting permission first. Permission can be informal, but should still be written. Include a checkbox with your feedback forms.

"Put it all on your website"
If you have great reviews, you want prospects to see them. Include them on your homepage, sales or product pages, footers and any spot that has visibility..

"Link to compliments already on the web"
Link to positive word of mouth on blogs, Twitter and forums. If it's publicly posted, you don't need prior permission.

"Check it out: Amazon’s funniest reviews"
Most reviews on Amazon are sincere, but occasionally, you can find mock reviews that are sources for some great comedy. Enjoy.

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Published by Staff May 2, 2011