Jun 02, 2011 Staff

Reducing Costs with Content Marketing

Americans spend over 10 hours a day consuming content (all types of media). Reaching customers means creating content in a variety of media formats and integrated that into a marketing plan. While the cost of creating content can vary according to a company's needs, content marketing can reduce costs in other areas. From the Content Marketing Institute, here are some cost savings that can be realized from content marketing.

Increases Branding
Content, regardless of form or location, should support your branding efforts. Usually, this can be done with lower creation and media costs. Integrate content with your other branding initiatives,

Expands Audience for Your Offering
Your market reach will be extended whether it appears internally hosted, 3rd-party or social media sites. Social sharing extends the reach further.

Supports Purchase Process
Most consumers do online research before making a purchase. Product information, instructions and other content help customers make their decisions.

Aids Search Optimization
SEO is enhanced by keyword-rich product descriptions, FAQs, blog posts, photographs and videos

Engages Fans
Content gives your customers another way to interact with your product.

Leverage Customer-generated Content
Content created by customers enhances your authenticity.

Gives PR Efforts Additional Media Entry Points
Content marketing provides additional ways for journalists to contact your company.

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Published by Staff June 2, 2011