12.20.2017 Jack Barry
HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a site that allows thought-leaders to share their expertise with reporters and potentially reap some PR rewards. After signing up to be a Source on HARO, you receive daily queries submitted by reporters in need of an expert. Answering those queries can lead to national media exposure.
Source Testimonial:
"HARO is a primary tool in the arsenal of solutions offered in my sales and marketing services business. The results are remarkable! I support multiple clients in a variety of industries and there is a story every week that qualifies as a potential good PR opportunity for one of them. There is no other way I could get this type of access to global media or have my client's considered as sources in real time."
Sign Up on HARO
Source Testimonial:
"HARO is a primary tool in the arsenal of solutions offered in my sales and marketing services business. The results are remarkable! I support multiple clients in a variety of industries and there is a story every week that qualifies as a potential good PR opportunity for one of them. There is no other way I could get this type of access to global media or have my client's considered as sources in real time."
Sign Up on HARO